关于「 asset finance」的内容列表

Alpha Liquid Fund forms strategic partnership with XNET Foundation to invest $2 million in tokens

Alpha Liquid Fund, a crypto fund owned by digital asset financial services and consulting firm Alpha Transform Holdings (ATH), announced a strategic partnership with the XNET Foundation and plans to invest $2 million to purchase tokens in its XNET ecosystem, which currently provides broadband wireless services on the Solana chain and deploys wireless networks in a decentralized manner.

2024-11-27 04:45:10
Crypto investment firm Arca and BlockTower sign a letter of intent to merge

Digital Asset Financial Institution Group Arca and crypto investment firm BlockTower Capital are interested in merging. According to an announcement released on Wednesday, the two companies have signed a letter of intent for an all-share transaction to reach an all-share transaction. While the respective business units will transition to a unified brand, BlockTower Venture Capital will remain independent. Arca co-founder and chief investment officer Jeff Dorman pointed out that new investment ve...

2024-11-13 22:15:05
MatrixPort partners with exSat to drive innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem

MatrixPort, a digital asset financial services platform, and exSat, a bitcoin expansion solution, have reached a comprehensive strategic partnership, which will give full play to their respective advantages to accelerate the development and application of the bitcoin ecosystem, and open a new era of bitcoin development. BTC TVL liquidity of 3 to 600 million US dollars is about to arrive at exSat, which is expected to create a new record for the bitcoin ecosystem TVL. MatrixPort's expertise and u...

2024-09-18 14:22:31
Galaxy Digital posted a net loss of $177 million in the second quarter, nearly four times that of the same period last year

Digital asset financial services firm Galaxy Digital (GLXY) posted a net loss of $177 million for the second quarter, nearly four times the amount in the same period last year, due to the cryptocurrency market pullback. Galaxy's digital asset holdings posted a net loss of $161.70 million. Bitcoin fell 12 percent in the quarter after surging nearly 70 percent in the first three months, according to Coinglass. In the first half, Galaxy's net income was nearly $245 million, up more than 175 percent...

2024-08-01 15:41:44
Galaxy CEO: The launch of the Ethereum ETF further confirms that ETH is not a security

Michael Novogratz, CEO of digital asset financial services firm Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd., wrote on the X platform that the Ethereum ETF has changed the cryptocurrency industry, not only opening a new channel for Ethereum, but also giving much-needed regulatory clarity to confirm that ETH is not a security.

2024-07-24 12:58:24
Crypto Asset Financial Services Provider SCRYPT Announces Completion of $5 million Strategic Funding Led by Braza Bank

Crypto-asset financial services provider SCRYPT announced the completion of a $5 million strategic financing round led by Braza Bank and joined by venture capital firms Funfair Ventures, Cabrit Capital, and Atlantic Labs. SCRYPT has also recently received approval from the Swiss regulator to launch an asset management solution, and SCRYPT Digital Investments AG will receive a portfolio manager license from the Swiss financial marekt regulator (FINMA) in July 2023.

2024-05-29 13:12:56

7x24 快讯

15:29 2025-03-21
1confirmation 的创始人 Nick Tomaino 于 X 发文表示,“Meme 币并无好坏之分,它们只是存在,而且显然不会消失。那些认为我们将进入一个充满‘真实价值’代币的时代的人将会失望。真实的价值在于观察者的眼中。经过 15 年以上的时间,数十亿人仍然认为比特币没有任何实际价值。但有数亿人相信它,并且它的市值为 1.6 万亿美元。大多数 Meme 币会消失,但少数 Meme 币会持续存在...
15:26 2025-03-21
15:26 2025-03-21
15:23 2025-03-21
据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,ORCA 部署地址于 1 小时前向 Wintermute 转移价值 962 万美元的代币,或用于做市/抛售。 截至目前,Wintermute 已将部分 ORCA 充值进 Coinbase / Binance / Kucoin / Kraken 等交易平台,链上仍持有 220 万枚代币,价值 750 万美元。 距离其 22:18 首次向交易平台充值代币至今,币价已下跌 7%(3.642 美元跌至 3.39 美元);而 Wintermute 早在 2024 年 12 月就曾交互过 ORCA,似乎并非首次做...
15:20 2025-03-21
据 Onchain Lens 监测,一个新创建的钱包今日从 OKX 交易所提取约 2 亿大额 DUCK(DuckChain)代币,价值约 94 万美元,疑似巨鲸建仓。最近 TON 生态在 OKX 的几个项目均有大幅拉升,DuckChain 近日上线合规交易平台 Kraken。目前追踪到该地址 1/3 代币已进入 DuckChain 官网质押池进行质押。
14:59 2025-03-21
纽约联邦储备银行行长John Williams表示,移民、贸易和财政政策的快速变化将如何改变经济尚存在高度不确定性,当前的货币政策立场仍然恰当,使美联储能够很好地应对不断变化的环境。Williams表示,放慢缩表的决定是美联储缩减投资组合行动中自然而然的一环,此举对货币政策“没有影响”。
14:44 2025-03-21
Kaito AI创始人:近日已使用约140万美元个人资金买入100万枚KAITO
Kaito AI创始人Yu Hu在X平台发文称,近日已使用约140万美元个人资金买入100万枚KAITO,并且将所有代币质押,目前已是链上第二大KAITO抵押者,这些代币锁定期将被设定与里程碑相关,即当Kaito协议收入达到5000万美元时解锁50%,达到1亿美元协议收入时解锁100%,后续将解释这么做的原因。
14:43 2025-03-21
国内新闻:1. 国常会:研究建立健全涉企收费长效监管机制有关举措,审议通过《婚姻登记条例(修订草案)》。2. 国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步加强贸易政策合规工作的意见》。3. 央行第一季度例会:建议加大货币政策调控强度,择机降准降息。4. 两会后美企组团来见中国商务部长。外交部副部长马朝旭会见美国共和党联邦参议员戴安斯。5. 涉嫌严重违纪违法,驻证监会纪检组原组长王会民被查。6. 证监会对*ST普利重大财务造假案依法从严行政处罚。7. 上交所制定新一轮《推动提高沪市上市公司质量三年行动计划》。8. 市场监管总局部署2025年度重点立法任务,拟推动制修订食品安全法等。9. 针对“杨铭宇黄焖鸡米饭后厨乱象”事件,济南、郑州、商丘副市长被约谈。10. 中国结算暂免部分债券登记结算费用,加大支持科技金融、绿色金融和民营企业。11. 国家新闻出版署发布3月份国产和进口网络游戏审批信息,共129款国产游戏、5款进口游戏过审。12. 消费贷新政落地:个人互联网消费贷上限提高至30万,最长7年。13. 今年首家!玉龙股份拟主动退市,明确补偿机制。国际新闻:1. 土耳其央行发行流动性票据以支撑里拉。2. ...
14:42 2025-03-21
14:40 2025-03-21
14:36 2025-03-21
14:33 2025-03-21